Thursday 7 August 2008

Andrew Bird, Soldier On EP Review

EP followup of 'Soldier On' by Andrew Bird released through Fargo.

There are a few names in music today that really aren't praised enough for their contributions, Andrew Bird is one of those fine artists that seems to pass over most peoples radar.

Bird is often compared to Jeff Buckley, who rose to renown after his tragic demise, Bird creates the same passion and vision in his music with the same power of deliverance but musically, it must be aforementioned Bird's songwriting is stronger.

Soldier On consists of 8 tracks and it's more of an EP rather than a entire length album, the EP features some lesser known tracks, some remixes and some rather intriguing changes in direction like chess opening track 'The Trees Were Mistaken' which shows a rockier side to his music, along the lines of a great Iron and Wine song. Another standout track includes 'How You Gonna Keep 'Em Down on the Farm' it's a melancholic song that recalls Mark Kozelek or Damien Jurado.

It's a dishonour 'Soldier On' is such a short album, but it will keep us listening until he's ready to redeem his following full duration album.

Rating 9/10

Mike Rea

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